What do the Tarot cards advise you to leave in the past to make 2025 a happy year for each zodiac sign?

by Andrea
What do the Tarot cards advise you to leave in the past to make 2025 a happy year for each zodiac sign?

Aries ♈️

Aries are advised to give up the desire to control everything and the authoritarianism that it symbolizes in 2024 of the emperor card In 2025, they should learn to let go of what is normal and trust change. Where control ends, true freedom and new possibilities begin.

Taurus ♉️

2024 should be left for the bulls. sudden changes and chaos symbolized Tower card Instead of clinging to the old idea of ​​stability, they should let go of their fear of change and open themselves to new horizons that will allow them to move forward without excessive resistance.

Gemini ♊️

It is recommended for Gemini to free themselves from self-limitations and fear of the unknown, which they symbolize Octopus of swords. The universe is asking them to stop limiting themselves and open their wings to new possibilities, trusting in their personal growth.

Cancer ♋️

Cancers are recommended to release the grip of pragmatism and discipline that they symbolize King of Coins. In 2025, they should allow themselves to follow their dreams and emotions, not their cold mind. Only then will they find true joy and satisfaction.

Leo ♌️

Leos are advised in 2024 to let go of the desire to keep everything in their hands and the isolation symbolized by Four of coins. The universe invites them to open up to new possibilities, people and emotions, release their fears and discover true freedom.

Virgo ♍️

Virgos are suggested to give up the excessive persistence and perfectionism symbolized Sevens of coins. The year 2025 invites them to live in the present, stop waiting for ideal results and act more freely and spontaneously.

Libra ♎️

Libra should leave behind the attachments, dependencies and stereotypical thinking symbolized The devil cards. In the New Year, they should get rid of everything that prevents them from living a balanced and harmonious life and listen to their true inner desires.

Scorpio ♏️

Scorpios are advised by the Universe to let go of the desire for perfect relationships and harmony, which it symbolizes Lovers card In 2025, they should stop making sacrifices for others and keeping peace at their own expense, and instead trust the natural course of events.

Sagittarius ♐️

Sagittarians should let go of the sense of restriction and waiting symbolized Ferret of swordse. In 2025, they should stop waiting for change and start acting, using their explorer energy to discover new opportunities.

Capricorn ♑️

For Capricorns, in 2024 it is worth leaving the need for control and excessive pursuit of discipline, which symbolizes Carriage card The universe invites them to relax, let go of tension and enjoy the moment.

Aquarius ♒️

Aquarians are suggested to give up the intellectual struggle and the attempt to convince others whom they symbolize Five of Swords. In 2025, they should accept the fact that not everyone can change and channel their energy into creative activities.

Pisces ♓️

Pisces are advised to let go of hopeless romance and idealization, symbolized Knight of Cups. In 2025, they should stop reaching for the unattainable and start appreciating themselves as they are, letting others see their true colors.

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