Why the radiator does not heat up? If the radiator has been bled but is still cold, this may indicate insufficient water flow in the system. In this case, it is best to check whether it is a malfunction or whether there are deposits in the radiator. Can you do it yourself at home?
The most common reason why the radiator does not heat, even if it is not vented, is insufficient flow in the system. The cause may be a malfunction of the circulation pump, closed valves or deposits. It is also worth checking that the thermostatic head is working properly.
In this case, it is best to simply disconnect the radiator from the wall and flush it. If you cannot do it yourself, call a plumber who will find the cause of the malfunction.
Why does the radiator heat only half?
It often happens that the radiator is warm at the top and cold at the bottom. This may indicate a problem with the water flow in the system. The solution may be to change the flow setting on the circulation pump, clean the settling filter or adjust the preset.
How to deal with persistent dirt?
If the installation is old, dirt may have accumulated in the radiators. In this case, it is necessary to flush the radiator, which you can do yourself or with the help of an expert. To flush the radiator, open the valves and flush with water until the water flows.
New installation and heating problems
For a new installation, it is very important that it is set up correctly. It is worth paying attention to the distances of the radiators from the heat source and balancing the flows so that so that the heat comes evenly.
What to do if the radiator is aerated?
Air in the radiator, a common problem solved by venting – just unscrew the vent valve. But first check the water pressure in the system.
Home heating problems can be frustrating, but many of them can be solved yourself with the right knowledge and tools. Regular maintenance and vigilance can prevent many breakdowns. However, if the problem seems too complicated, it is always worth asking for help from an expert.
How do you vent the radiator at home? Do one thing and save yourself from having to call a professional