Horoscope 2025 for each Aries zodiac sign
For Aries 2025 We can call it a crucial year. Aries have been pushed anyway by this axis of destiny on the Aries-Libra axis for a year and a half they are put to the test. They are pushed from the back effectively if they didn’t want it, destiny came and pushed them from the back.
They are looking for new horizons, the year 2025 will be a challenging year, it will be a year full of opportunities for personal growth and transformation. Aries are assaulted by these transformations, but at the same time, Aries will also go through a deep maturation phase because we are not only talking about this primordial energy here. So the Aries will work extremely strongly this year as well, because starting from 2026 the Aries will be on the wave.
Horoscope 2025 for each Taurus sign
In Taurus it can be a way out of confusion. Uranus will partially exit, so not totally. Only next year will they get rid of this Uranus that has been there in their sign for several years and you know that bulls don’t like changes. But Uranus came along and took everything out of their comfort zone. 2025 is also the year of inner investments for them, but because they will also work with this area of humility, acceptance.
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Taurus will go and learn more to socialize, to relate, to initiate new projects, maybe to join new interest groups with people they get along with, people who talk the same way as them. So the bulls will learn this year. They probably also learned with this Uranus at their home to value their resources better, in this financial area a greater consideration and to build their bulls a solid foundation for the future
Horoscope 2025 for each Gemini sign
In Gemini we have drastic, long-lasting changes, especially since Uranus will enter Gemini and stay. Just as Uranus was in Taurus it will also be on the head of Gemini now. However, the twins are full of life, verve, curious, they want to read. Here comes Uranus who downloads information from the higher mind and comes with that “let’s go faster” lightning bolt. It’s going to be crazy.
Geminis must be very careful and prepare already now, because these transpersonal planetary entries are like a trailer for a movie where you see the main events, you feel some things even then. To try to project his future, because fascinating years will follow, on the one hand, but on the other hand extremely demanding. And they will have socio-professional clarifications, perhaps balance in their careers. They need this balance between career and family life. More wisdom, adaptability and communication. They can benefit from advantageous connections and opportunities.
Horoscope 2025 for each Cancer sign
Cancers are a star sign this year. They need this year a reevaluation and a reconfirmation of reality an inner reconnection. To reevaluate their values, change their beliefs, their truth. Cancers can experience changes in socio-professional status, not only at work.
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Career changes, public visibility, maybe change of field of activity, but also change of status: from married to divorced, from divorced to married. Cancers will be guided by intuition and a lot of sensitivity in 2025 as well. This Mars in Cancer will bring them healing and emotional stability.
Horoscope 2025 for each Leo sign
In Leo, Mars in Leo retrogrades and Leos will also need to learn everything related to the recalibration of desires, passions, intensity that must be kept under control. Transformation in essence. It’s a financial reset here. Note that at Lei we have this financial component.
Travel, transformation and Leos will shine brighter than ever, and this year Leos can get the recognition and success they dream of. It’s a motivational year for Leos but first get past Mars retrograde in Leo.
Horoscope 2025 for every Virgo sign
The South Node will transit in Virgo, so when a certain sign transits on a collective level, a year and a half in that area of life you need to make releases, to free yourself from certain baggage, to free yourself from toxic people, to free yourself of situations that do not suit you in life.
So Virgos need to look in the mirror more, pay attention to what they feel and a theme of theirs is “how I look in the mirror when dreams come true” if they really follow their path. They have to be very self-centered and in tune with themselves to know what decisions to make. So they have to be a little more careful inside. Relationships will become deeper, more stable from 2025 and it will give Virgos more security.
Horoscope 2025 for each sign Libra
The scales are set to work this year. Growth, success, of course in harmony with others, because they cannot alone, but will be challenged by the energy of Aries who is in position with them. They will also be focused on work, health, daily routine, maybe lifestyle change.
Self versus others relationships will be predominant in their case. The year 2025 is also for Libras about inner growth and finding balance between work and personal life and health. He has to be careful who he surrounds himself with.
Horoscope 2025 for each Scorpio sign
At Scorpio we can only talk about rebirth. Let’s not forget that Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio. Uranus is still there and he’s also sticking his stick through the fence. It is a year of inner alchemy, a year of transformation and liberation. In Scorpios, the attention will be very, very interesting, on love, on fun. On work and on passion and desires.
So it will be an amalgamation here, that is, Scorpios will want to feel good in romantic relationships, but at the same time, they will want to be serious and work. It will amplify Scorpio’s passion, depth and bring a series of transformations that will help them break free from the past.
Horoscope 2025 for each sign Sagittarius
In Sagittarius we also have a year of deep relationships here. They need to ensure a balance between career and soul mates. Quite a lot of agitation in Sagittarians, rediscovering the power of love and it’s a journey this year, towards harmony, fulfillment, depth. In this the key or the secret is to do a very deep reassessment, what are the weaknesses, what are the strengths, what do I want to do, what passion do I have.
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Maybe we have some things that have remained on standby, maybe we have some unfulfillment, frustrations and let’s see if they are really real. Mars in Cancer will bring to the surface all these traumas and patterns, things that I inherit from my family on an unconscious level and I no longer need them
Horoscope 2025 for each Capricorn sign
For Capricorn, the year brings open doors, new challenges, new horizons. They are with work, career, adventure. Carry on in style. They will have a lot of communication versus ignorance. So be careful what they communicate, how they communicate, how they listen to others, how they receive information.
Capricorns also want to travel, they will learn to restructure thinking. There will also be some changes in Capricorn, perhaps in the paradigm, in the way of thinking, in their mentality, house, family, housing situation. So quite agitated. Capricorns will be even more dynamic in everything they do and build at the same time. They are a sign that builds patiently with determination and at the same time can also reap the fruits of previous years.
Horoscope 2025 for every Aquarius sign
Aquarians can breathe a sigh of relief. They learned, they transformed, they changed and now they can really reap the rewards. Freedom, progress, rebirth, regeneration and transformation.
They will also be challenged in everything related to material resources. They are still an air sign, they don’t put much emphasis on the material side, but they will have to focus on this area as well. Aquarians this year will be inspired to become more authentic, take major steps towards their wildest dreams and perhaps be a year of breakthroughs.
Horoscope 2025 for each Pisces sign
In Pisces, good news in the financial area. It may be a year in which there will be a start on the path of financial stabilization, that is, to value money more, this material power. Pisces see money as energy. They will focus more on how to manage this energy, how to use their talents too, how to save.
Pisces have always been thoughtful and put aside, but there are also pisces who spend without number. For Pisces, the year 2025 will come with emotional depth, self-confidence, with this financial management, financial strategies, financial plans. And for fish there will be a series of transformations that will help them get rid of a series of problems from the past. It is very important this year to continue to rely on intuition.