The reality show ‘Secret Story – Desafio Final’, led by Cláudio Ramos, premiered on the night of this Wednesday, January 1st, on TVI.
David Diamond was one of the former contestants to join the program – albeit as a guest – and seems to have already had a little disagreement with housemate Tiago Rufino.
When talking at the end of the night with Cláudio Ramos, the winner of ‘Dilema’ explained the competitor: “Didn’t you see what they did to me? I had my coat lying on the bed in the room and that boy, whose name I don’t know, went to get what I had inside.”he began by revealing, in the confessional.
“Astonished”, David Diamond realized what Tiago Rufino took from his coat, looking perplexed: “(…) He went to get what I had inside, used it, took some lip balm and gave it to someone else. I don’t think this is normal but it’s okay, it’s over (…). He went through his personal hygiene things (…) and I had two or three sweets there, he ate them. Do you think it’s normal, Cláudio? This one has already been named.”he joked.