A funeral home car, which was transporting the body of a 90-year-old woman, overturned during a transfer between Curitiba and Irati on BR-277. The accident happened on the afternoon of this Wednesday (1st), at km 131, in the city of Campo Largo. The driver of the Chevrolet Montana lost control on a stretch of curves and overturned on the highway.
With the impact, the coffin and the elderly woman’s body were ejected from the vehicle. The structure of the coffin was completely destroyed and the woman’s body was left lying in an area of vegetation. The driver of the vehicle was also ejected and had to be taken to the Hospital Universitário Evangélico Mackenzie, in Curitiba.
Before being hospitalized, the driver spoke to a team from the Federal Highway Police (PRF) and confirmed that he had drunk cognac before hitting the road. The man refused to take a breathalyzer test for fear of identifying the drink.
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“An infraction notice was issued for the refusal to submit to the breathalyzer test, subsequently Detran will issue a suspension of the right to drive for one year, as provided for in the CTB,” informed the PRF.
The body of the 90-year-old woman, who died in a nursing home in Curitiba, was placed in another funeral home car and taken to the city of Irati, where the burial took place.
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