Numerology 2025. The last perfect square year was 1936, the product of 44 × 44. For the next perfect square year we will have to wait until 2116. 2116 will be the square of 46 multiplied by itself.
2025, a number with magical power
However, this is not the only mathematical peculiarity of the year 2025, emphasizes the French-born mathematics teacher Jérôme Cottanceau. The new millennium hides a number with a magical power, the square of a sum of a sequence of digits and the sum of the cubes of the same digits.
As far as arithmetic is concerned, this year is proving to be particularly interesting. Two surprising calculations also lead to 2025.
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The first case: add all the numbers from 1 to 9, then multiply the obtained amount by itself. The result is:
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) × (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) = 2025.
Even more surprisingly, 2025 is also the sum of the cubes of the digits 1 through 9:
1³ + 2³ + 3³ + 4³ + 5³ + 6³ + 7³ + 8³ + 9³ = 2025.
The discovery of this amazing relationship is attributed to the Greek mathematician Nicomachus of Gerasa.
The last time a year obeyed his theorem was in 1296, the square of the sum of the digits from 1 to 8. From now on, we will have to wait exactly one millennium to experience a new Nicomachus year, in… 3025, that is a thousand years, as is the cube of 10.
„It is the legacy of Greek arithmetic”, comments Jérôme Cottanceau for The Parisian.
One thing is certain: these unique properties are already making 2025 a fascinating year for number lovers and all the curious.
2025, a crucial year of conclusion and profound transformation
The year 2025 is marked by the number 9 in numerology, symbol of the end of a cycle, fulfillment and reflection on the lessons of the past.
It is therefore a year to tidy up to welcome a fresh start in 2026. The number 9 carries the vibration of closure and release, but is also associated with strong emotional energy and a dynamic that can, if channeled well, to lead to significant achievements.
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Each individual will feel this universal vibration according to their personal year.
2025 is a crucial year of closure and profound transformation. It’s time to let go of the past, trust your intuition and prepare for a new beginning, writes
It is a year of karmic lessons, and personal transformation will be inevitable.