After using the fruit pulp, we most often throw away pumpkin seeds, which is a huge mistake. These inconspicuous seeds contain a wealth of various ingredients. I prepare it every year pumpkin seed oil. I support my body with its health properties every day, which makes me feel much better.
1 kg of pumpkin seed oil is needed about 2.5 kg of seeds. However, you can prepare it in smaller quantities.
If you have home embossing press then the matter is very simple. Put the pumpkin seeds into a special hole, turn on the equipment and a after a while the oil will be ready. This method allows you to obtain as much oil as possible from the seeds.
Pumpkin seed oil can also be made without special equipment. Place the pumpkin seeds in a blender or grinder and grind them. Place the ground seeds in a bowl and add them a small amount of water and start kneading until the whole thing has a uniform consistency.
Place the bowl over a pot of boiling water and mix everything with a wooden spoon. After a while a denser belt should be created. Contents of the bowl after heating squeeze through gauze or a kitchen cloth. Pour the prepared pumpkin seed oil into a previously sterilized bottle.
Pumpkin seed oil is primarily rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and it contains the most omega-6. Additionally, it will be delivered to the body vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins or numerous antioxidants. In addition, it will supplement the demand for calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.
As a result pumpkin seed oil will have an antioxidant effect and inhibits harmful free radicals. It will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, protecting against the development of diseases and eliminating their symptoms. Additionally will protect against cancerneurodegenerative diseases or heart diseases.
Additional protection for the heart will be provided by the fact that Pumpkin seed oil lowers cholesterol levels. Thus, they will lower blood pressure. This will make taking this oil regularly a lot easier will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as, among others, atherosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension.
A number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds cause Pumpkin seed oil will strengthen your immunity. It will not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also antifungal or antibacterial. It will show its power especially in the upcoming autumn-winter period, where the most cases occur. It will stop the development of respiratory infections, throat infections and bronchitis.
Pumpkin seed oil is a remedy for high stress levels. It will eliminate it, reduce the level of fatigue in the body, make it easier to fall asleep, and that’s it counteract anxiety disorders. Thus, it will reduce the risk of depression or depressive states. It may also improve cognitive functions.
Pumpkin seed oil should be used as enrichment of dishes served cold. This form is the best because then will retain most of its health properties. It is not recommended to fry, grill or bake it.
For this reason, pumpkin seed oil will be a great addition to any meal salsalads, dressings, sandwich spreads. You can finish it before serving seafood dishes or soups. You can also feel free to eat it with fresh, crusty bread and in this form we will most appreciate its unique taste.