Numerologist Romeo Popescu made predictions for the new year based on the number of destiny. This is calculated by adding all the digits of the date of birth. For example, if you were born on 12.01.1980, add 1 with 2 with 1 with 1 with 9 with 8 and with 0.
Numerologist Romeo Popescu made the numerological predictions for the year 2025.
Predictions for destiny number 1
Destiny number 1 has a year of 2025, a year that propels this one to another level. If he has some goals well established in time, that is, he does not have to set them this year, he already has them set since 2024 or maybe from the past years, then it is good to follow these goals.
And this year he will set it towards some goals, but he will set it by force, without thinking. I could say that destiny 1 puts the year 2025 where it belongs.
From my point of view this is good because when you have a universal help, let’s say, that puts you on your path, no matter how much you suffer, you are still going in a good direction. Anyway, destiny 1 is a well-aspected destiny in 2025 being a fire number. The year 2025 – 9 fire – so he feels somewhat like a fish in water, says Romeo Popescu.
Predictions for destiny number 2
Destiny number 2 on a context 9 does not feel very good and it will be put at the intersection, that is, destiny number 2 is good to know very clearly how it was in 2024. How was my year 2024, what I learned, because for them this year 2024 was not a bad year. And then the year 2025 continues 2024 at about the same pace. If you had a good rhythm in 2024, you knew a direction, you went in a direction you will continue that direction.
If in 2024 you had a less good year, 2025 will help you have an even worse year. You will have as destiny 2 this confusion of not knowing what to do.
You will experience a state that I would like someone to help me, I would like to support someone and I don’t really find it here. It is good for this man who has two destiny to go back a little, because surely, from 2017 until now there are certain things that can help him this year, many things will come from behind.
Predictions for destiny number 3
They feel very good in 2025. They are inspired. First and foremost they are inspired by the knowledge they have acquired from 2017 until now. The knowledge from 2023 until now inspires them a lot. There are many events that they have the opportunity to close, in a good sense of life, coming from 2017-2023, to close them in an interesting sense.
That’s why destiny 3 should look back a little to see that there are some things there that they haven’t closed, but they have the opportunity to close now in a good way, that is, for their benefit.
A very good condition from a financial point of view. That’s why they might not look very much in the area of love, because they’ll be very busy making money, they’ll be very busy developing this financial side of their lives, and then it’s good on the one hand, on the other hand, family also matters. But he will be quite successful financially and professionally and will forget about those at home.
If I make money, I give it to them. It’s good that they understand me. It depends on who is at home, because if it’s a lady/gentleman who has destiny 2, it might make her head spin, that she might feel confused. If it’s a lady/gentleman who’s destiny 1 won’t understand.
Predictions for destiny number 4
They don’t have a very interesting year. They must take care first of all at work, because there will be a lot of exams to take. There will be people with destiny 4, who will take a lot of exams, on the one hand to keep their job, on the other hand to go to another job, but not because they need another job of work, to advance. There are those who will be fired. Because many destiny 4 people, even the hardest working of all destiny, might get fired too.
Predictions for destiny number 5
We have a peculiarity in 2025, this 25, which is 5 x 5, so five times itself. That’s why destiny 5 will have a very interesting year in terms of travel. If he is doing very well financially, I recommend that he have a year to travel and be a tourist.
If not, we will see destiny 5 burning to leave, many of them will leave because they want to, they will leave their jobs for something better.
Others will travel to another home, for example, leave their family etc and travel elsewhere for someone else. Or to be free, or due to the fact that they feel constrained in the family, they will leave, so they are on their way, that is, they are about to leave.
From this point of view, I can’t say that it’s bad, because there are many people with destiny 5 who will close some oppressive periods for them, says Romeo Popescu.
Predictions for destiny number 6
He is lucky. It’s the only even fate that gets along with us. He is the mirror, that is, he will go with the mirror after him, so to speak. What destiny 6 needs to understand is that he will be mirrored in others.
If he thinks others are idiots, that means he is. If he thinks other people are wonderful people, he is.
Depending on the relationship that destiny 6 has with himself, on the inner balance that he has, this year will be able to be fulminant or if he is extremely unbalanced inside, this year will be a year of transformation, i.e. will balance.
It won’t be good for him, because he’s going to hit him, shake him very hard, he says hey, awakening, don’t you see what you’re doing here, where are you going to the plains, where are you catching planes?
This is also a vocational destiny. That is, destiny 6 should be on his vocation, he should see it from the inside, go towards it, etc. And if he is not too bad at all, the year comes and brings him to his work. This year will put him in balance with the force.
Romeo Popescu: Predictions for the destiny number 7
Destiny 7 will also be very concerned from the point of view of business, career, and money. He wants to collect, he wants to do.
He will be the focus because he will see, for example, what is happening in his family. And here I must draw attention to destiny 7: great care in the family, because because of this focus on career, on money, on position that they can advance a lot in position at work or in social position, as well as notoriety, etc. amd at home may not have all the understanding. And then they will be quite drastic with those at home and say it doesn’t matter, do what you want. It’s not ok.
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My recommendation is that they also look at home to see if they have anyone after some very reasoned and very sharp discussions.
If the others do not cope with such a discussion, he will not beat his head and leave, because these opportunities at the social level, at the professional level, at the financial level will make them work, but also the success will be commensurate with the work he performs.
Predictions for destiny number 8
8 is an even destiny number that in a year 9 will have wonderful things from the past. Destiny 8 will be taxed and pocketed from 2017 until now, year after year like this.
They will be successful in recovering their money, recovering in love if they have lost their wife or husband, territories, properties, children etc. that have been lost will come to be recovered now in 2025, they will be successful in the scheme this.
Moreover, they must be very careful, because these things that will come back are due to the fact that they have to solve them in others, due to the fact that they deserve this award.
So if your wife comes from behind asking you for another 10,000 euros per second, there might be a problem there and you have to pay. If your wife comes from behind and says I love you, I praise you, I don’t want any more money from you, you are a magical and wonderful man, that’s good, it means you are ok.
Predictions for destiny number 9
Destiny 9 is in poll-position, that is, simply worshiping him this year. From the family point of view and from the professional point of view and from the financial point of view it will be very good.
What is very interesting is that it will sit well with sincerity. I mean, if you have to earn a lot of money on your vocation, it means that you are on the vocation and you will earn.
If not, the year will transform you and take you in the direction of your vocation, where you will be financially successful as well. That’s why I recommend destiny 9 to know what he wants from life concretely, clearly and quantifiable and to go in that direction, not to fumble, according to Romeo Popescu.
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They can have a very good chance in love, i.e. to find the right person for them, to reconcile with the right people for them or to break up with toxic people who have made their life hell, that is, they regulate themselves in this area as well .
From a financial point of view it is good to have courage, it is good to dare, provided that they are good professionals. It does not go to the new destiny with spells, with cannons, combinations, schemes. You are a good professional, you will be successful, if not, not.