Antônio Cotrim / LUSA
The Minister of the Presidency, Antônio Leitão Amaro
Four new deputy general secretaries will be replaced until the Cresap tender opens. But no one knows when that will be.
Cresap (Recruitment and Selection Committee for Public Administration), The competition has not yet opened for the positions of deputy secretary general, who, unlike the government secretary general (chosen directly by the prime minister), cannot be appointed.
Questioned by , the Ministry of the Presidency, headed by António Leitão Amaro, does not say whether it has already asked for the competitions to be opened nor when it will do so. But until thenfour of the six deputy general secretaries are already in office, since the beginning of the year.
According to this newspaper, the replacement regime in which they find themselves allows these general secretaries stay in a position for months or even yearsgaining experience that then automatically puts them at an advantage in public competitions.
Three of these four new deputy secretaries general, Filipe Pereira, Maria de Fátima Ferreira and João Rolo, were deputies to other general secretariats. Mafalda Lopes was chief auditor at the Court of Auditors.
As the Observer points out, based on the Single Remuneration Table, the first three had a income that was around 3,408 euros (the auditor receives R$5,202 gross). Now, start to earn more: 4,151 euros, plus 20% (830 euros) in representation expenses.
Two deputies still need to be appointed, who will be appointed when other general secretariats are extinguished, the end of which has already been announced.
The secretary general of the government has also yet to be appointed, after the . According to the government, the next name will be indicated “soon”.