She lives in Washington, where she worked. He had enough and found work in New York. The trip is long but infrequent.
Grace Chang worked at Washington, where do you live. At one point, at age 28, he grew tired of his job in finance.
He started looking for a (less demanding) job. But it was difficult in his area. Until found a job in New York. It wasn’t exactly at the door, but he accepted it.
It’s almost 10,000 dollars a month, practically 9,500 euros per month. Details: it was a job 4 hours away from home. I wouldn’t have to go there every day, but every two weeks.
Accepted. It started in May this year.
And yes, he takes a 4-hour trip every two weeks. For that, acorda perto das 4h da madarudatake a train and off you go. Normally it is in New York – the company does not pay for accommodationbut there are family or friends there.
It is an occasionally long route, which it is worth itbut Grace admits that this routine may be unsustainable in the long term.
“I’m not 100% sure if the job justifies the trip, but it pays the bills and is a good springboard for other opportunities in the future,” he commented.
Grace Chang thus became a supercommuter: someone who sometimes makes long trips from home to work. Trips that last more than 3 hours in total.
This trend has grown evidently in the USA. It is obviously related to the increase in teleworking.
And the workers they don’t care: they know it’s tiring, it’s expensive, but it’s better than being in the center of a confusing, noisy city with very high housing prices. Therefore, they tolerate this occasional effort.
For example, Chang herself never considered moving to New York, even after accepting the job. Washington is “his” land, where he has his community, where he feels stability.
Of course, having friends and family in New York makes this option easier.
In relation to expenditure on trips: 75 euros for each ticket. 300 euros per month on average. But if he still worked in Washington, the salary would be much lower.
A few weeks ago, Chang learned that from now on he can only go to New York once a month. The budget thanks you.
But the young worker is aware that she only likes this routine because the long journey is not frequent: “Continuing doing this, definitely, not a long-term goal or aspiration. But what made this viable was maintaining a positive mindset about the trip.”
“If I hated the route every week, I would have given up in the first month”, he summarized.