Gantry deactivated in some ex-SCUT, cheaper trips – could it be? Or now everyone pays what only users used to pay?
Among the New Year’s news for the common Portuguese, one that stands out is the fim of payment of tolls in old ex-SHIELD.
A13 and A13-1 (Pinhal Interior), A22 (Algarve), A25 (Beiras Litoral and Alta), A23 (Beira Interior), A4 (Transmontana and Túnel do Marão) A24 (Interior Norte) and A28 (between Esposende-Antas and between Neiva-Darque). All now have deactivated gantries.
In the midst of the savings, of those that have already been made, the question arises: Will there really be savings? Or is it an illusion in a country where financial illiteracy abounds?
The money won’t come in there but will be paid anyway: otherwise, and by all taxpayers.
These tolls did not become free: “The millions of euros invested in these tolls have to be paid. The big difference is that will always end up with the taxpayer“, begins by warning Paulo Ferreira.
The commentator recalled on the radio that, Until now, only the driver who passed through the place paid the toll – but now it will be “left over” for everyoneeven if they don’t even drive.
“It’s a anesthesia for taxpayers: we pay when we go to the supermarket and we pay VAT, we pay it at the IRS, at the IUC… Everything is paid for.”
“What is fairer? Only those who pass by and use that infrastructure pay? Or does anyone pay, regardless of whether they have a car or not?”, asks the expert.
In this context, Paulo Ferreira highlights a central aspect: the communication, “speak clearly”.
And enjoy it criticize PS and Chegawhich have posters next to the highways already mentioned announce this “illusion” that tolls became free because of these two parties. “No, they are not free. We are paying for them in another way”, he reinforced.
It is worth remembering that the end of payments in these old SCUTs was in May, thanks to a PS proposal approved by Chega – BE, PCP, Livre and PAN also voted in favor. Against the Government’s wishes.