Sandrina Pratas, former participant of ‘Big Brother 2020′, decided to open a question box on her Instagram account and answered many of her followers’ curiosities.
At a certain point, and because she received a message regarding a possible entry into the new TVI reality show ‘Secret Story- Desafio Final’ with a racist tone, the young woman decided not only to respond but to put the response in the feed, accompanied by a reflection.
“Do you really think a gypsy is going to be on TV? We want to see normal people”wrote one of the internet users.
“Sad” with the words she received, Sandrina Pratas decided to react, showing herself to be proud of her ethnicity.
“(…) Whoever says these things has a lot of resentment and is a very sad person. I, thank God, am doing so well with myself and I am very proud of my descendants (…)”he began by saying.
Sandrina Pratas criticized some people’s way of thinking and left a final appeal: “Stop being racist because then you won’t go anywhere, you have to have more love, more harmony in your heart”.