Half of the NGOs were not transparent with amendments

by Andrea

The Agency analyzed the 26 entities most benefiting from transfers in 2024; only 4 disclosed complete information

A report carried out by the (Comptroller General of the Union) shows that, among the 26 NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization) that received the most resources from parliamentary amendments in 2024, half did not present transparent information about the transfers. The survey was carried out at the request of the minister of the (Supreme Federal Court) Flávio Dino.

Of the total, only 4 (15%) provided adequate data, considering “accessibility, clarity, detail and completeness”. Another 9 (35%) provided incomplete information, with data from some amendments or only from previous years without sufficient updating.

According to the organization, the movement of total commitment of R$ 733.627.769,62 in the period analyzed, targeting 676 non-profit organizations.

For the audit, the 30 entities that received the largest committed volume from February 2nd to December 21st, 2024 and the 6 that received the highest value of payments in the same period were considered.

In total, 33 non-profit entities were evaluated, excluding repetitions between samples. Seven of them did not enter the account because they had not received payment in the period from 2020 to 2024 – therefore, the requirement for transparency in the application of resources did not apply.

The General Comptroller of the Union states that “the absence or insufficiency of active transparency makes control difficult, especially social control, essential for adequate supervision and ensuring accountability in the application of public resources”.


After sending the CGU report, Dino, which reports actions in the STF on amendments, the transfer of amounts in amendments to NGOs that do not provide transparency about the amounts received, nor how they were spent.

The minister also determined that these entities be included in the Cepim (Register of Barred Non-Profit Private Entities) and the Ceis (National Register of Disqualified and Suspended Companies) by the competent bodies of the Executive Branch.

To this end, Dino ordered the (General Attorney’s Office of the Union) to present this demand to the ministries to avoid new transfers. It also gave a period of 5 days for the body to prove compliance with the decision in the records.

The judge ordered the CGU to carry out a new specific report on the 13 entities that did not provide adequate transparency or did not disclose information. And it summoned organizations that disclosed incomplete data to complement the information on websites, detailing amounts received and how they were spent.

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