Horoscope January 2025 The month begins with an opportunity to heal, speak your truth and re-prioritize your values, with a significant focus on your emotions, feelings and intuitions about where to invest your energy. Although we are in Capricorn season until Sunday, January 19th, keep space for your emotional process instead of just focusing on actions. Try to pay more attention to what you feel so that you can make decisions from the heart.
One of the most significant astrological changes of 2025 occurs on Saturday, January 11, when the North Node, the ruler of your destiny, turns into Pisces. As the cycle of eclipses in Aries and Libra comes to an end, you experience an end to themes of individuality versus the collective and embark on a new journey in Pisces and Virgo that asks you to honor your purpose.
Spend time meditating and building your spiritual connection. Reflect on your dreams and faith in the universe, always supporting your choices and path. Lean into the unseen and, with a hand on your heart, know that this year is not about survival, but about prosperity.
Horoscope January 2025. Aries
Luckiest day of the month for Aries: Wednesday, January 8
Everything is coming together for you, Aries. While you’ve focused more on your career recently and established a fresh start and greater stability, your process receives a divine blessing this month as Mercury moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8.
Horoscope runes January 5-11, 2025. Mihai Voropchievici announces the zodiac has drawn the winning rune, WUNJO brings total protection
Since the Capricorn season began in December 2024, you have been more focused on applying for new positions or holding yourself up for a promotion. Once Mercury moves into Capricorn, you hear lucky news about a new career prospect, putting you in a place to begin an abundant new phase in your professional life.
Horoscope January 2025. Taurus
Luckiest day of the month for Taurus: Wednesday, January 29
Take a risk and embrace a new beginning by doing what you love, Taurus. Although you’ve always wanted financial security and the finer things in life, your primary motivation has recently changed. Instead of only caring about monetary benefits, you started looking for more of a purpose in your career.
Think about what you want for yourself and what your soul feels called to pursue and manifest with the New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, January 29th. A New Moon signifies a new beginning, and in your professional house, it represents a burning desire for your work to take on greater meaning.
Take this time to focus on what you want to contribute to the world so that this new beginning can benefit you and the collective.
Horoscope January 2025. Gemini
Luckiest day of the month for Gemini: Monday, January 27
Don’t waste your time focusing on small dreams, Gemini – this is your chance to dream big! Your belief in yourself has led you to take a chance on what you feel called to pursue. Allowing yourself to go through this process and focusing on feeling more confident has set you up for an exciting and adventurous new period that will begin as Mercury moves into Aquarius on Monday, January 27.
Horoscope Alina Bădic January 5-11: Zodiac signs that have a magnetic attraction to money. The Full Moon can bring trouble
Mercury in Aquarius offers opportunities for new beginnings, abundance, career and travel. Continue to build your confidence so you can use this time to set the tone for the year ahead. You want a big life, Gemini, and it’s up to you to create it.
Horoscope January 2025. Cancer
Luckiest day of the month for Cancer: Saturday, January 11
You begin a beautiful new era in your life, Cancer, as the North Node moves into Pisces on Saturday, January 11. After last year, you’re more than ready to put the past behind you. This astrological shift allows you to do that, but you have to remember everything you’ve learned.
The North Node represents your destiny, if life was for you, and part of your soul contract in this life. In Pisces, the North Node represents luck, abundance, new possibilities, spirituality and expansion.
You’re truly done with everything you’ve been through, and now the world is your oyster. Just make sure you make decisions that honor you and don’t sacrifice your dreams for someone else. Maintain balance and be willing to protect what is most important to you so that this new era is one you can fully enjoy.
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