The mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Teixeira (União), said this Friday (3) that former councilor Janaína Lima (PP) handed over to the House the items removed from the office that belonged to her.
In a note, Teixeira informed that “the equipment was received and photographed by municipal guards.” Furthermore, the statement highlights that with the reopening of the Chamber after the recess, next Monday (6), the technical sector will evaluate how to proceed in this situation.
Among the objects are a toilet, shower and sinks. According to the former parliamentarian, on Wednesday (1st), the .
Afterwards, .
“I handed over the office respecting all legislation established by the São Paulo City Council, internal legislation. On legal advice, equipment installed with own resources was removed. However, due to a personal decision, this equipment is now being donated to the City Council to decide its best destination”, said the former councilor.
Sources from the legal and administrative area of the Chamber told CNN that the case is so unusual that .
However, the reading of components of the Board of Directors of the Chamber heard by the CNN is that an internal investigation procedure does not necessarily need to predict the specific point of irregularity, this can be better clarified during the course of a possible internal investigation.