Do this and you will attract happiness to yourself. Magical rituals for prosperity for each zodiac sign
Happiness, prosperity and peace in life are something that everyone cares about. It is known that happiness needs help and sometimes it is worth entrusting your fate to higher powers. These are simple activities for everyone that will help attract good energy. They ensure prosperity and drive away evil spirits and bad luck. Do them regularly and you will be happy all year round.
Good luck rituals for zodiac signs. Check yours
Ritual for good luck: Aries (21/03–19/04)
Zodiacal Aries need the presence of loved ones to be happy. Once a week, write down on a piece of paper what you are grateful for to your family and friends. The good energy of gratitude will come back to you with double strength.
Ritual for good luck: Taurus (20/04–20/05)
Your stubbornness in life requires an appropriate ritual. For the zodiacal Taurus, the ritual of good luck is internal affirmation. In the morning, try to meditate and listen to your own needs. They will guide you.
Ritual for good luck: Gemini (21/05–20/06)
Sociable and joyful by nature, Gemini needs silence. In the evening, take a few sprigs of bay leaves and light them. Inhaling their aroma, relax and focus your thoughts on carefree rest.
Ritual for good luck: Cancer (21/06–22/07)
Once a month, go for a long walk. Let it be a green neighborhood. Listen to the sounds of nature and become one with it. After returning home, drink your favorite tea and read a book. Such a ritual will give you peace and strength of spirit for a long time.
Ritual for good luck: Leo (23/07–22/08)
Take an object that reminds you of your childhood. It can be a stuffed animal, an old doll or a collected token. Squeeze it tightly and feel the energy of carefree childhood. Spend a moment reminiscing. They will improve your mood and give you the strength to act.
Ritual for good luck: Virgo (23/08–22/09)
You love planning and visualizing. Fortunately, your ritual requires specifics. Take a piece of paper and let yourself be carried away by your dreams. Draw everything you want. Put this piece of paper under your pillow. On the second piece of paper, draw everything you are afraid of. Burn this one and throw away the ashes.
Ritual for good luck: Libra (23/09–22/10)
The good luck ritual for the zodiacal Libra focuses on the power of animals. If you have a pet, try to establish contact with it. Look into his eyes and focus on his animal instincts. Observing animals will help you find your inner optimism.
Good luck ritual: Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
In the evening, light a candle and put it on the windowsill. Focus and think about your greatest successes. Remember what you felt when you experienced them. Then think about your failures and the emotions that accompanied them. Get them out of your head, let these feelings go away along with the smoldering fire.
Good luck ritual: Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
Sit down Turkish and I will try to imagine your greatest happiness. Focus on what comes to your mind. I’ll try to understand why you care so much. Afterwards, write down what you thought and put the piece of paper in your wallet. Carry it with you all year round.
Ritual for good luck: Capricorn (22/12–19/01)
On a piece of paper, write down your goals for this year. Read them in your mind three times and hide the note deep in your closet. Once a month, take it out and focus on your desires.
Ritual for good luck: Aquarius (20/01–18/02)
In the evening, close the curtains and stand in the middle of the room in the dark. Imagine that there is a circle of fire around you. Focus on your fears and what blocks you in life. Imagine leaving these things in the circle and step out of it yourself. Bad energy will be destroyed.
Good luck ritual: Pisces (February 19–March 20)
Prepare a scented candle and place it on the windowsill. Once a month, light it and think about all the good things that have happened to you in your life. Express gratitude and hope that many good things are still ahead of you. This attitude will attract the power of good spirits to you.