Rune predictions January 6-12, 2025. The runes have roots in ancient history, from the times of the Nordic and Germanic, Scandinavian and English tribes. In the old days they were used especially for writing but also for magic purposes. Ancient runic inscriptions have been found on jewelry, weapons and everyday objects from the 3rd century, but many experts agree that they existed much earlier.
“Rune” simply means mystery, secret or whisper.
Each rune is a sacred sign with magical powers that is connected to a greater power.
With the help of runes, we get a deeper understanding of situations, a predisposition or a form of answer to a question. The runes don’t tell you exactly what to do with your life, but they give you a hint and you use your intuition for your next step. The future is not something fixed – every man has the divine power to build his own paths.
Cristina Demetrescu, 2025 forecasts: The Teacher Planet is in Pisces, strong karma for Virgos
Runes are 24 magical characters with the German runic alphabet, made of stone or wood, which have ancient origins and date back to the times of the Nordic and Germanic tribes. Each rune has a name and is associated with a certain deity, object or phenomenon. They were used to decorate weapons, utensils, jewelry or were placed at the entrance of houses. Although in those days everyone used them, the true connoisseurs of the secrets of the runes were considered healers or magicians. Doctors treated diseases, warriors prayed for battles in battles, hunters for rich prey.
The totality of the runes together with their powers and connections form a magical system.
Forecasts runes January 6-12, 2025 ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
The flaunted rune – ALGIZ: The German rune Algiz means protection and creative forces are put at your service. When this rune appears, you are suggested not to deny your pain and not to try to hide from what is happening or to deny it. You are helped, protected, supported and guided. Learn from what happens and thus you will be able to protect yourself in the future from those situations that are not good for you. Practice teaches you more than anything and anyone.
Horoscope runes January 5-11, 2025. Mihai Voropchievici announces the zodiac has drawn the winning rune, WUNJO brings total protection
Rune predictions January 6-12, 2025 TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Shown Rune – EIWAZ: Meaning DEFENSE. This rune is related to the difficulties that appear at the beginning of a new life and the defenses that we build around us when we have to deal with the Unknown. He often announces a waiting period, so his main advice is patience. It is recommended to anticipate the consequences before acting. As soon as a decision is completely clear to you, then you will be able to carry out your action easily. Take advantage of this period to put your house in order and set up your personal affairs.
Rune predictions January 6-12, 2025 GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Flawed Rune – EHWAS, reversed. If a movement is blocked, or at least it seems so, make sure that what you are doing is a correct action. There are no missed opportunities. We just have to admit that not all opportunities are suitable for us. What is meant for you will come to you and will be easily fulfilled at the right time.
Rune predictions January 6-12, 2025 RAC (June 21 – July 22)
Shown rune – INGUZ (face up). Inguz indicates a good time to start new projects because you have energy and motivation to change things for the better. However, it is necessary to cut the old bonds on the current projects so that you can start new ones. If family relationships are important, now is a time to share and show appreciation for them, especially if it’s young family members. You can identify family objects with special meaning and tell your younger loved ones about them and what they mean to you.
DISPLAYING RUNES FOR LEO (July 23 – August 22)
Flawed Rune – Jera: Jera is the rune of success and continuity. It heralds a good mood, the fruition of plans, rewards for past efforts. A great reward is announced for those who worked the land with their hands. As a rule, Jera is a strongly positive rune, but being a symbol of the cause-effect relationship, it can also mean that there will be results of other actions from the past that were not very positive. As such, Jera means justice and justice means both reward and punishment.
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