The Celular Seguro program, developed to block smartphones in cases of theft or loss, now has an innovative functionality called “Recovery Mode”. This feature allows you to partially restrict the use of the device, keeping its tracking active to facilitate recovery.
Safe cell phone
Foto: Showmetech
The update that includes the new mode began to be available last Thursday (19). The launch was announced at a conference held by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), highlighting advances in the protection of mobile devices.
Unlike total blocking, Recovery Mode only disables the phone number and applications linked to partner institutions, such as banks. According to the MJSP, the idea is to provide immediate security without completely disabling the smartphone, increasing the chances of recovering the device.
When a blocked cell phone is registered with a new chip, the information will automatically be sent to the Public Security Secretariat of the corresponding state. This entity may call the Civil Police to locate the device.
Despite the new feature, the total blocking of the IMEI, chip and sensitive applications will continue to be available for situations in which the owner prefers to make the device completely unusable.
Enhanced security and national integration
The Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowski, highlighted the importance of the initiative: “Current devices store a significant amount of personal information. The Safe Cellular program offers an essential layer of protection for citizens.”
The executive secretary of the MJSP, Manoel Carlos de Almeida Neto, highlighted the integration effort between public bodies and private entities to implement the program. Among the partners are the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), ABR Telecom and the Zetta association.