Zambia Police
On New Year’s Eve, a drunken Lusaka police officer ordered 15 detainees out of their cells at a police station in Zambia to celebrate the New Year. And they carried out the order.
At the Leonard Cheelo police station, in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, 15 suspects of crimes such as assault, robbery and theft.
But the police officer on duty, Titus Phiriwanted to celebrate the new year, and decided to get drunk. It went wrong. The police spokesman, Samoan foreheadwrote in a statement to which he had access that the police officer and detective, “in a state of intoxicationforcibly took possession of the cell phone keys” of the other agent on duty, Serah Banda.
“Subsequently, Detective Inspector Phiri unlocked the male and female cells and instructed the suspects to leave, stating that were free to enter the new year.”he further said.
Of the 15 arrested, 13 escaped. Later, the inspector, who also fled, was arrested.
“The Zambia Police Service reiterates its commitment to maintaining law and order and assures the public that decisive measures will be taken against any agent who abuses his authority or acts contrary to the law”, adds the police statement, also cited by .
But the story is not entirely new, and the former presidential spokesman and lawyer Dickson Jere He even thought it was funny. On Facebook: “I can’t stop laughing every time I imagine the scenario — comical! But then I remembered one similar incident in 1997“.
Jere was referring to New Year’s Eve that year, in which the late and controversial Supreme Court of Zambia judge, Question Chandaordered the release of 53 suspects, some of whom were considered dangerous by police.
The Zambian magistrate was particularly upset that the suspects had been arrested in 1992, but have not yet appeared in court. “Justice delayed is justice denied“, explained Chanda.