After the year-end recess, the government begins to release consolidated data on the main economic indices.
This Monday (6), the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC) will release data on the Brazilian trade balance, which should show a surplus of US$70.4 billion in 2024, according to calculations published by the department itself. last December.
The official announcement will take place at a press conference scheduled for 3:15 pm.
The 2024 surplus results from the difference between exports, which are expected to reach US$335.7 billion, and imports, which are expected to total US$265.3 billion.
This value represents a drop of 28.82% compared to 2023, when , the highest in the historical series started in 2013. Even so, the 2024 numbers are the second best in this timeline.
Data on the Brazilian trade balance are essential for assessing the health of the country’s economy. They reveal the balance between exports and imports, offering an overview of Brazil’s competitiveness in international trade.
For the Secretary of Commerce and International Relations (SCRI) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Luis Rua, in 2025 – in addition to traditional exports of soy, corn and meat – “non-traditional” products, such as açaí and Brazil nuts, which are gaining space in the international market, they should also contribute to the growth of the trade balance.
“It will have a very positive impact on the balance. The soybean, corn and meat harvest will continue to expand. These ‘non-traditional’ products already represent a 7% increase in the trade balance and will continue to advance”, he told CNN.
Why are these numbers important?
When the country has a trade balance surplus, that is, it exports more than it imports, this indicates a robust economy and an increase in foreign exchange reserves.
On the other hand, a trade deficit, when imports exceed exports, can signal a dependence on foreign products and point to economic challenges, such as a shortage of foreign exchange.
This data also helps to identify which sectors are gaining prominence globally, such as iron ore and – which will have greater relevance in 2024 – and serves as a basis for the development of economic policies.
Thus, the government can adopt measures to stimulate exports, adjust tariffs and explore new markets, contributing to the diversification of the economy and strengthening Brazil’s position on the international stage.