Winter in Slovakia is getting milder every year, and paving made of concrete blocks and cubes is one of the most durable materials on the market. Nevertheless, it requires adequate maintenance during this period. What should you remember and what mistakes should you avoid? We will explain how to take care of paving in winter.

How do you take care of paving in winter?

Despite the fact that high temperature drops and heavy snowfalls are becoming less frequent, sidewalks made of concrete blocks or blocks are still exposed to adverse weather conditions. Large temperature fluctuations and alternating freezing and melting of snow or ice are particularly dangerous. Unprofessional snow removal and maintenance, i.e. by yourself, can also cause a very big threat to the condition of the pavement in winter.

When winter surprises us and snow covers the sidewalks around our house, we usually reach for salt. The fact is that it is the most affordable and effective way to quickly get rid of unwanted winter dust. However, you should keep in mind that its application can lead to an unwanted surprise, i.e. a white coloration of the surface. This has a negative effect on the aesthetics of the sidewalks and driveway near your home.

Salt stains usually appear only after the pavement has dried, so it is better to use less aggressive preparations that do not leave them. An excellent, albeit slightly more expensive, solution would be to use magnesium chloride. Removes snow and ice from paving stones without leaving behind a slurry. It is more environmentally friendly because it poses no risk to plants and animals. By using it, you can also forget about the white streaks on your winter shoes.

Errors in removing snow from paving blocks

Regular snow removal is extremely important in winter. White dust is especially dangerous for flagstones and concrete blocks if left for too long. Shovel the snow often and sprinkle it with sand to make the surface less slippery. However, this is not a good solution. Ice can form at the interface between the lower layer of snow and the upper layer of concrete pavement. Frequent temperature changes cause freezing and thawing of water, which can lead to damage to the concrete pavement structure despite its very good technical properties.

Therefore, do not forget to ensure that snow and ice do not remain on the pavement for too long. In addition to magnesium chloride, tools are also an alternative solution for its removal. The catch is that they must be chosen correctly. What must they have in common?

  • They should not have metal sharp points that could damage the top layers of the cube.
  • The working parts of the tool must be made of plastic to ensure efficiency and safety in use.

A scratch caused by a tool with a sharp point represents a violation of the surface layer of the block or board that protects the interior of the building material. Over time, this can lead to further degradation of the material and even cracking.

There is one more important aspect. It concerns the selection of paving materials in the garden. They must be characterized by high frost resistance and low absorption. These are the most important parameters in terms of the resistance of concrete blocks and slabs to winter weather conditions.

Although concrete pavers and slabs are very durable materials that make driveways and walkways around the house look beautiful, it is extremely important to remember how to maintain them during the winter. This will help extend their life and preserve their aesthetics for many years.

You will never scratch windows again. Instead of throwing it in the trash, put it on top of your car