Do you want to fall asleep quickly and fall into a deep sleep? Then start making sure you’re properly hydrated before going to sleep. If you drink water in the evening, you will support the detoxification process and regulate electrolyte levels. In addition, your body temperature will be stable. These factors will contribute to good sleep.
Unfortunately, not everyone drinks water before going to bed, but other drinks make it difficult to fall asleep. Find out what to avoid in the evening. However, you don’t have to drink just water. We also present other fluids that are worth providing your body with before going to bed.
You should not drink diuretic drinks before falling asleepwhich cause night visits to the bathroom, thereby disturbing sleep. I guess each of us knows that we should avoid coffee that has diuretic properties and also contains caffeine, which stays in the body long after consumption. That’s why people who are sensitive to it should drink coffee infusion only before noon.
Few people know that black tea also impairs sleep quality due to its diuretic and stimulant properties. Other liquids also work similarly, such as cocoa or cola.
Diuretic fluids also include sweet and gaseous drinks containing sugar, sweeteners and even caffeine (energy drinks). This group also includes fruit juices, especially citrus juicesadditionally increasing the risk of heartburn. Alcohol also has diuretic propertiessignificantly worsening the quality of sleep.
Not only water supports the body’s regeneration process during sleep. We can successfully replace it with kefircontaining probiotics that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microbiome. It is also worth drinking warm milk with honey before going to bedbecause it contains tryptophan – an amino acid that supports the production of serotonin, called the hormone of happiness and sleep.
Milk drinks can be replaced with herbal infusions, such as lemon balm or chamomile. Ten the first one helps calm the nervous system, reduces stress and facilitates falling asleep, while the second one has a calming effect, reduces tension and supports the body’s regeneration during sleep. As a result, such infusions can improve the quality of sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.