We may experience a reality check or two about how our thoughts shape our lives as Jupiter now in Gemini once again squares Neptune in Pisces.
In astrology, a square is representative of two planets at 90 degrees to each other, which creates a moment of tension. Usually thought of as a negative square, Jupiter square Neptune is a chance to discuss issues or make decisions, all because we can no longer ignore certain issues or remain in denial.
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This transit varies in frequency – from every 13 years to even every year, depending on where each planet is in its own journey around the Sun.
For us, this is the third, which means there is probably something coming to an end between now and June 2025. The first was in January 2024, the second in June 2024, and now the third. While we may struggle at first to see a connection or sequence of events, it will be beneficial if we can reflect on the various themes we have seen in our lives at those times this year.
Jupiter rules our sense of abundance and future horizons. This is the planet that makes everything it touches, including our dreams (Neptune). In Sagittarius, that means we’re more likely to book travel plans or find opportunities in life that take us away temporarily or give us a geographical move.
On this planet, Jupiter also becomes more associated with spirituality and finding greater meaning and purpose in our lives, which has been an important focus for many this year.
This search has been found in so many who want to live a life of truth or authenticity as we hear so often. There is nothing like Jupiter in Gemini to make people want to live an incredible life where they feel useful.
While some astrologers may point to this square and discuss the risk of being deceived or even disappointed by a path we’ve taken in life, it seems we end up neglecting a much bigger story.
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Let’s first stop and think about the date January 13, 2024. What was happening? Think especially about love, relationships, future plans and dreams. Were you living the life you always dreamed of in January or did you feel like it was taken away from you? Perhaps you’ve begun to doubt whether the life you always thought you’d live is even achievable.
Now, let’s move on to June 16, 2024. Around this time, you started to have hope again. From January to June, not only did significant hard work take place, but also several important planetary changes, such as Uranus starting a new cycle in Taurus; it would have allowed us to have more clarity about our lives and see that we only enjoy what we have put in the effort to create.
more details, on sfatulparintilor.ro