Deputies and senators from the party attended 61.5% of the meetings with congressmen of the Minister of Communication Secretariat
The minister of the Secretariat of Communication, , prioritized PT members and names from Rio Grande do Sul in his commitments to congressmen during his period in office until now, at the beginning of 2025.
Survey of Poder360 based on the minister’s official agenda shows that deputies and senators from more left-wing parties occupied 74.7% of his meetings, with those from the PT being the most present (61.5% of all meetings). The rest went to centrist acronyms, albeit timidly. The opposition had practically no space.
The data below do not consider the period that Pimenta left Secom to take care of the reconstruction actions in Rio Grande do Sul. They refer only to his position as head of government communications.
The congressmen with whom Pimenta met most in meetings were:
- José Guimarães (PT-CE), from the Government in the Chamber – present at 9 meetings;
- Denise Pessôa (PT-RS), – 7 meetings;
- Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), from the Government in the Senate – 7 meetings.
Pimenta should be replaced in the next few days after dissatisfaction even from the president (PT) with the government’s communication. The PT member on December 6th would be forced to do “fixes” in the area.
Marketer Sidônio Palmeira, who worked on Lula’s victorious campaign in 2022, will come to command Secom. He is close to the president and gives him “carte blanche”
In the image, Lula in August 2024 at the launch of the book “Brazil of Hope: marketing in the most important elections in the country’s history”, written by Sidônio Palmeira
Congressmen from Pimenta’s home state, Rio Grande do Sul, are proportionally the most frequent on his agenda, as mentioned in this report above. The minister’s name is mentioned to run for the Gaucho government in 2026.
Wanted by Poder360Secom declared that the predominance of congressmen from Rio Grande do Sul on the minister’s agenda is due to the fact that many issues discussed during the period in which Pimenta took care of the reconstruction actions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul continue to be monitored even after he returns to position in the Communications Secretariat.
Regarding the PT’s dominance in meetings, the minister says he is approached by “several” leaders of the acronym for being a “reference” of the party. Read the full note sent at the end of this text.
All citations to “deputy”, “deputy”, “deputies”, “senator”, “senator” and “senators” recorded in the main field of the official agenda were considered. Meetings that mention congressmen in a generic way, without mentioning their names, or broad ceremonies that are not meetings, were not counted. State deputies and councilors are also not included in the sum.
The data was downloaded to the e-agendas platform on January 2, 2024. Updates can be made later to the system, but variations tend to be minimal even over time.
The period that Pimenta was away to be extraordinary minister for the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul was also not considered because these were commitments that did not necessarily involve government communication.
Here is the note sent by Secom to Poder360 about the data in this report:
“The predominance of agendas with political agents from Rio Grande do Sul is due to an obvious reason: for five months this year, minister Paulo Pimenta was stationed in Porto Alegre commanding the Ministry of Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul, many of these issues followed being accompanied by the minister even upon his return to Brasília, causing him to be wanted by authorities in Rio Grande do Sul.
“The fact that there are more PT people being served by Paulo Pimenta is simple to understand: The minister is on leave from his sixth term as a federal deputy, being the only parliamentarian to exercise the role of leader of the PT bench, the party to which he has been a member for more than three decades, for two consecutive years. This history built in parliament makes the minister a reference for the party, being sought after by several party leaders.”