Today, we probably can’t even imagine life without smartphones. In addition to great help and accessible communication, they can also bring many security risks. That’s not the only reason why it’s good to turn off the phone completely sometimes.
Do you still remember the time without mobile phones? A time when parents couldn’t call their kids to ask where they were and if they were okay? Years of not being in daily contact with acquaintances through messages or photos?
Of course, every era has its pros and cons, but we probably wouldn’t want to eliminate smartphones from our lives today. Nobody wants that from us, but in order to preserve our own privacy and safety, we should take better care of them. Maybe you didn’t realize how good a service you’d be doing them and yourself by turning off your phone completely at least once a week.
What can a battery shutdown do? Watch the video from TopTrendingCZ on YouTube:
Source: Youtube
It’s about privacy and security
Experts warn that those who do not turn off their mobile completely at least occasionally can face serious problems, especially in the area of the security of stored and shared data. As the American National Security Agency points out, for example, regularly turning off a smart phone is one of the effective ways to defend against cyber attacks on its software. Many programs that are inadvertently installed on the phone are paralyzed by turning them off and do not continue their malicious activity. This is certainly good news.
“Turn off and on again”
Another problem that can occur when a smartphone is used for a long time is the gradual accumulation of one small error in its operation after another, to the point where we reach a stage where the phone practically stops working.
You’ve probably heard the advice that computer experts like to give: “Have you tried turning it off and then on again?” It may sound a little ridiculous, but such a simple step really solves a lot of problems, especially in their beginning. Therefore, turning off the phone completely can result in better and longer functioning.
Speed up your phone
In addition to correcting simpler processing errors, a few minutes of deep sleep on the phone can also help it respond faster to our instructions. This is because temporary files will be removed from memory, keeping them ready can significantly affect other processes that we require on the phone.
Longer battery life
In addition to the benefits of such a step for the software, turning off the phone completely will also help its battery. Restarting, according to experts, helps to optimize energy consumption, thereby preventing overheating of the battery, which does not have to perform at high levels and can remain functional for a longer period of time.
Peace of mind for your phone and you
So let’s summarize the possible risks of an always-on mobile phone. It is about the safety and privacy of its user, as well as the battery life, functionality and speed of the system – and what’s more: no one will call you when the phone is out of order. This is perhaps the biggest bonus that you can enjoy in the maintenance of your mobile phone in today’s busy times. And don’t worry, you won’t miss anything in those few minutes…