The vice president of Argentina, Victoria Villarruel has lamented that she wins “two chirolas” and has thus requested a higher remuneration for his performance, to which the president, Javier Milei, has responded calling it “caste.”
“The senators pay for their food, they travel to their provinces, I don’t know if they have another ticket. I don’t have the time at all.” And on top of that, the State does not authorize me to earn a decent salary for my role.”Villarruel has published on Instagram.
Villarruel’s salary is 2.9 million pesos (about 2,700 euros) when the average salary was 341,600 pesos in 2023. The vice president herself has lamented that her salary “has been frozen for a year and the prepayment increases, taxes increase.” “It is not enough for anyone to live honestly off their salary,” has sentenced.
In response, Milei has stated that it is “a very unfortunate phrase and not understanding what the reality of the Argentines is and the effort they made”. “But well, the political caste lives disconnected from the reality of the Argentines. The senate has salaries of around 10 million. It is disconnected from reality and It is the world in which she lives of high politics”he argued, according to the newspaper Page 12.
The president recalled that “95 percent of Argentines earn much less” than the vice president and that “the average salary in the economy is 400 thousand something.” “In the 25 percent that are best, they earn between 500,000 and 7 and a half million. If you take the highest 10 percent, they earn between 900,000 and 7 and a half million. And on average the highest decile earns 1,400,000,” he explained.
However, Villarruel has been compared to the income of other senior officials. “I earn less than the President, the deputies, the senators, ministers, judges, diplomats, spokespersons and so on. They don’t give me housing or anything. “This is anything in the salary gap,” he lamented.
Milei recalled that salaries have been frozen since he took office. “It’s a shame he said something like that. Your salary depends on the Executivetherefore, when he made the salary claim to me I told him that I was not going to adjust and it will continue to be that way,” he stressed.