Miguel A. Lopes / Lusa
Former Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Carlos Costa Neves
Despite having already reached the age limit of 70 years, Carlos Costa Neves can assume the position due to an exception in the law that provides for cases of “exceptional public interest”.
Carlos Costa Neves, former Minister of the Environment, was appointed Secretary General of the Government, despite having already reached 70 years oldretirement age limit for state workers.
His appointment was possible thanks to an exception provided for in the General Labor Law in Public Functions, which allows such cases in situations of “exceptional public interestduly substantiated”, explains .
Costa Neves will have as one of his first tasks leading the process of abolishing the general secretariats currently distributed across ministries, which will be integrated into a new centralized body. For carrying out his duties, the new secretary general will receive a salary of 6236 euros per month.
This value is significantly lower than the 15 thousand euros planned for Hélder Rosalino, consultant at Banco de Portugal, who refused the position after a wave of criticism related to the high value and changes in the law that would make remuneration possible.
The General Secretariat of the Executive, created on January 1st, has been at the center of controversy. Rosalino’s initial choice was heavily criticized due to the expected salary, which would double that of the Prime Minister himselfand the perception of favoritism with changes in the law.
The appointment of Costa Neves, who did not pass the competitionfollows the rule that allows the Government to freely select the super manager, unlike what happens with assistants, who must be submitted to the Recruitment and Selection Commission for Public Administration (CReSAP) for consideration.
Costa Neves’ history also raised questions, given his involvement in the ‘Portucale’ case, related to allegations of influence peddling for the construction of a tourist development in Benavente, where he was heard as a witness.