The tranquility of the Tucumã neighborhood was shaken by the presence of two pitbulls that roam free on the streets, especially on Rua N6, where they live with their owner. On Sunday afternoon (5), the situation became even more worrying when the dogs were seen walking with their owner and another dog. All the animals were off collars and muzzles.
A resident, who preferred to remain anonymous, recounted the terrifying experience of his grandfather, who was almost 70 years old. “He had to hide behind parked cars to protect himself from a possible attack,” said the grandson.
The grandson told the ContilNet that the grandfather arrived home visibly shaken and with high blood pressure. “He was terrified to see the animals loose, without collars or muzzles,” explained his grandson, who asked to protect his identity.
The frequency with which pitbulls are seen loose has generated a climate of fear among residents. The resident’s grandson emphasized that this is not the first time that the dog’s owner has let them roam freely. “This happens frequently and is unacceptable. We ask Mayor Tião Bocalom to enforce the law that prohibits dangerous animals from roaming freely on the streets,” he stated.
Residents’ concerns are not unfounded. Reports about the aggressiveness of pitbulls and cases of attacks, often with tragic consequences, have been frequent in the media. “I don’t understand why the authorities don’t react. People are scared”, said the grandson, highlighting the urgency of a response from the competent authorities.
Residents of Tucumã are organizing themselves to seek solutions and increase security in the community. “We want the law to be applied and for action to be taken to prevent these dogs from posing a risk to us and our families,” said a resident who was also concerned about the situation.
Meanwhile, tension continues to grow in the neighborhood, which calls for effective measures to guarantee everyone’s safety. The community hopes that authorities will act quickly to resolve this issue and return peace to its streets.