The holidays are upon us and many of us haven’t decided to step on the scale yet. In order to prevent this in a few months, let’s remind ourselves of what transgressions we should avoid next time.
Christmas and other festive periods often give rise to the feeling that we can postpone a stricter diet for a few days. After all, we’re just tasting cookies from grandma and mom – and, of course, our own.
It cannot be refused
On Christmas Day, we also have to have a classic dinner, followed by visits from relatives, where we don’t want to offend by refusing to treat them. However, we suddenly find that it is a little harder to fasten our pants after all. Even if it is too late to question our conscience at that moment, we can prepare for the next holidays.
Think about the holidays too
In exceptional cases, such as the aforementioned Christmas, but also other holidays of the year, it is often very difficult to follow the rules, which are much easier to follow in the normal year. But when we realize how many calories we get into the body with each bite and what it can soon cause, we will be able to resist much better.
Calories without nutrients
Foods with a high calorie content and a minimal supply of nutrients tend to be a big problem at holiday feasts. Of course, this includes sweets, industrially processed foods, very fatty meats, but also alcohol or sweetened drinks, which we usually enjoy more than at other times on festive occasions.
Do you know the intricacies of such foods?
Do you think you have an overview and don’t let yourself be fooled? Maybe so, and in that case you have no problems with the post-Christmas look at the scale. Most of the time, however, we grope – we suspect that we are breaking all the principles of healthy eating, but even that does not deter us from reaching for the next delicious piece. To avoid this in the future, you can try to check your knowledge in a short test.
How many calories are in your favorite Christmas foods?
We enjoy the holidays in peace and comfort, so we usually don’t want to watch every calorie we eat. But they accumulate gradually and within a few days they will clearly show up on our body. Do you know how “dangerous” festive treats are? Test your guess in the following short quiz.
Richard Semik / Shutterstock
Classic horseshoe carp? Then you just have to put up with the extra calories.