In today’s age of rush and quick solutions, we are constantly looking for ways to make our lives easier. The masters in this field are the Japanese, who every now and then come up with new solutions to all kinds of problems. One of their methods involves drying clothes. This trick really works.
During the winter season people who are not among the lucky owners of washer-dryers or mechanical dryers and have to hang laundry on lines often encounter the problem of lengthy drying. This is a phenomenon caused by several factors. One of them can be the wrong way of folding clothes. The Japanese reveal how it should be done to reduce the waiting time for clothes to dry.
How to dry clothes quickly? This can be a difficult task
- In addition to the wrong way of hanging laundry on the line, humidity in the room can also become our enemy during drying, so it is worth equipping it with an air dehumidifier in autumn and winter. However, we must take into account the conditions in the house and the plants we grow so that this measure does not harm our green wards.
- Another important aspect is the temperature of the room in which we decided to set up the dehumidifier with wet clothes. The best place for this is a room with a high temperature. It is good to place the structure near the radiator, which will help to speed up the drying effect of the washed materials even more.
- Another and extremely effective solution will be to use the Japanese method of hanging laundry. It is said to be able to reduce drying time by up to 30 minutes.
Drying laundry in winter: what can you do to dry your shirt quickly? Use the Japanese method
It has not been known for a long time that the Japanese are known for creating all kinds of solutions that can make everyday life easier. Among the many interesting inventions of this nation is a special method of hanging laundry, which helps shorten the drying process by up to 30 minutes.
- It is enough if we use the principle of chronology when unfolding wet clothes. This means that the clothes taking up the largest area (eg large blouses) are placed on the lines at the far end of the dryer, and then the smaller materials are gradually moved (toward the center).
If you want to speed up the process even more, you can turn the structure from time to time so that the warm, drying air from the radiator flows from one side and the other.
This is how I dry my laundry. Drying is fast and I am not afraid of humidity.