In summer, balconies are most often decorated with geraniums or surfia. Unfortunately, these beautiful plants give way to winter conditions. However, for greenery lovers, winter does not have to be a barren period. There are frost-resistant species that are perfect as winter decorations, including: coniferous shrubs:
However, if you prefer leafy plants, the perfect choice will be boxwood – a plant that copes well in all conditions. Just provide it with a bright, but not too sunny place regular but moderate watering once every 2-3 weeks. Pruning the shoots in spring promotes its growth, creating dense, green decorations.
Another is ivy. Its evergreen leaves are perfect for vertical decorations. However, it is worth remembering that ivy does not like intense sun and tends to grow quickly, so it requires regular inspection.
If you are looking for plants that will not only survive the winter, but will also delight with their appearance, it is also worth choosing periwinkle. It is a plant that looks attractive both in summer and winter. Purple flowers appear in spring, but the decorative green leaves remain all year round. This plant likes bright places and does not require frequent watering. It is enough to water it once every 2-3 weekswhen the soil is dry and the air temperature remains above 0°C.
Another ideal potted plant is the golteria. This is a great choice for people who appreciate bold colors. In winter, its bushes are covered with intensely red fruits that resemble small balls. They stay on the plant until spring, adding character to the balcony and may attract birds. It is worth providing the golteri with slightly acidic soil and watering approximately once every 3-4 weeks.
Attention! Although all the plants mentioned above are highly frost-resistant, it is worth protecting their pots with Styrofoam or agrotextile in winter, especially in the case of young specimens.