Every time you come home, do this with your shoes
Leather footwear should be impregnated and wiped. This way, your shoes will stay like new for a long time. Impregnation helps not only protect shoes against weather conditions, but also against minor mechanical damage. Drying shoes is important. Many people put their shoes under the radiator after returning home. This is a huge mistake. This way they can get damaged, the skin will become brittle and start to crack. You can use tea bags to dry your shoes. Place one tea bag in each shoe and leave overnight. The tea will draw out moisture and unpleasant odors.
Another way to quickly get rid of moisture from your shoes is bay leaves. When you get home, put a few bay leaves in each shoe and leave them there overnight. Laurel is rich in essential oils that eliminate unpleasant odors and make the smell of sweat and moisture disappear. Bay leaves also have moisture-absorbing properties.
How to properly polish shoes?
should be washed and dried thoroughly. Some people recommend putting washed shoes away for even a few hours. How to polish shoes? One of the key elements is a soft cloth. It is best if it is made of cotton or linen. The first step in polishing your shoes is to apply stripes to them. Do it with specific movements and try to leave an even amount of the preparation everywhere. Don’t forget about . After this step, the shoes should be matte. Store shoes protected in this way for a longer time, preferably overnight. This way you can be sure that the paste will be well absorbed and will impregnate the shoes. The next day you can polish the shoes until they become shiny. Old tights or a cloth soaked in black tea or coffee will work best in this case.