We can also find granadilla under names such as: passionflower or passionflower. The fruit comes from the northern part of South America and is grown in… Southeast Asia, Australia or on some islands in the Pacific Ocean. From there it is sent to various regions of the world, which makes it highly durable for transport.
Granadilla fruits are round, small, yellow or orange. It’s hidden under thick, hard skin flesh composed of numerous dark seeds. These are surrounded by gelatinous or muscular aril. For many, it may resemble passion fruit, and the association is absolutely accurate.
Granadilla i marakuja come from different varieties of the passion fruit tree. The fruits vary in both appearance and taste. Passion fruit compared to granadilla it is smaller, its skin is dark purple and the flesh is yellow. The taste is more sour.
Granadilla is worth eating because of… rich in vitamins and mineralsand therefore, numerous health properties. First of all, eating the fruit will replenish your need for vitamin A, CE, K B vitamins. It’s also a lot of content potassium, iron, copper, magnesium and antioxidants.
As a result, eating granadilla will have a positive effect reducing too high cholesterol levels. Meaning that regulates blood pressure and support the proper functioning of the heart. It will protect against the development of cardiovascular diseases such as: atherosclerosis, heart attack, thighsrheart failure.
The antioxidant content means that granadilla has a neutralizing effect on free radicals. So it shows anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. It will alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory diseases, including: rheumatoid arthritis. It will help you maintain both your appearance and your mind, reducing the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s.
Regular and frequent eating of granadilla fruit will take care of the nervous system. It will reduce high stresswill allow the body to calm down and will reduce the risk of anxiety and depression. It will make it easier to fall asleep and help normalize your circadian rhythm.
Passion fruit can be eaten as an independent snack. To do this, simply cut the fruit in half and cut it in half eat the inside with a spoon. It is important that the selected specimen is ripe, and this can be recognized by the fact that the granadilla will be hard and heavy.
Additionally, granadilla can be used in many other ways. The pulp will work well as addition to drinks and fruit cocktails or mousses. It will also successfully enrich the taste sponge cake with cream, cookies or meringue.
Source: Terazgotuje.pl,