When should you wake them up from hibernation and place them on the balcony? As the days get longer and temperatures rise, many people can’t wait to decorate their balconies with flowers. Geraniums bloom profusely and for a long time. Properly cared for flowers delight our eyes from May until the first frost in November. If properly winterized, they can please our eyes for even several years.
Do it in January with geraniums. The flowers will bloom profusely in summer. Geranium care in winter
We should start storing geraniums in a warmer place in winter before the first frost. As the nights become colder and the temperature drops to around freezing. If the flowers grow in pots, just move them to a bright room with a temperature of 5 to 10 Celsius. Geraniums that grow in flowerbeds need to be dug out and placed in a pot filled with drainage, and then covered with fresh soil. When wintering geraniums, avoid abundant watering. The soil should be slightly moist, almost dry. If geraniums overwinter in a cool room, it is enough to water them once every three weeks. The stems should remain strong and green throughout the winter. When wintering geraniums, we make sure the soil is moist, but we do not fertilize the flowers. At the end of January or the beginning of February, we start waking the plants from hibernation (if we do it later, we have to take into account that the geraniums will bloom later). If we want them to bloom beautifully in spring, we should move the flowers to a warmer room or increase the temperature in the place where they are located. The best temperature is about 15 degrees C. At the same time, we can also increase the frequency of watering. In March, it is worth fertilizing geraniums and cutting off the ends of the shoots. Thanks to this, the plant will branch out and bloom profusely. In May, we can transplant the flowers into larger pots and take them outside.