Rh-null is considered the rarest blood type in the world, having been identified in less than 50 people across the planet. According to , this unique blood group stands out for a very specific characteristic: the complete absence of antigens in the Rh system. Because it has no antigens, Rh-null is highly valuable as a universal blood type for individuals with Rh blood systems. However, there are only nine known active donors.
Blood types are determined by the presence of antigens, which are proteins and sugars attached to red blood cells. The eight basic blood types are A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-, with the positive or negative sign defined by the presence or absence of the RhD antigen. Additionally, there are approximately 342 different antigens, of which 160 are considered highly prevalent. These antigens are organized into 35 blood group systems, with the Rh system being the largest, containing 61 antigens.
The absence of a highly prevalent antigen makes the blood rare, but Rh-null is even more unique since it completely lacks antigens in the Rh system. This characteristic means that Rh-null is only found in approximately one in every six million people.
This rare blood group was first identified in 1961, in an Aboriginal woman from Australia. His discovery was a milestone in medicine, allowing a better understanding of blood group systems and their implications for transfusions and other medical procedures.
Due to its rarity and the difficulty of finding compatible donors, Rh-null is often referred to as “golden blood”. This blood group plays a crucial role in medicine, especially in cases of transfusions for individuals with highly sensitive immune systems, making collaboration between donors and blood banks around the world essential.
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