The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad (PT)stated this Tuesday (7) that his relationship of trust and closeness with the economist Gabriel Galípolonew president of the Central Bank (BC) and former executive secretary of the department, will not represent any type of interference from the federal government in the conduct of monetary policy by the autarchy.
The statements made by the head of the economic team were given during an interview with the program Studio iyes GloboNews.
“My role there is to technically resolve the problem. That’s what I tried to do with Roberto Campos [ex-presidente do BC] and as I will do with Gabriel Galípolo”, stated Haddad.
“This does not mean to say that we will always agree on the diagnosis and what to do, but everyone has their own role”, added the Finance Minister.
“I may come to Gabriel one day: are you making the right decision? But the decision [sobre a taxa básica de juros] It belongs to him and the Copom board [Comitê de Política Monetária do BC]. I can support him with information, how he consults people from the market, he consults people from the government, he consults people from the productive sector”, continued Haddad.
“The Central Bank doesn’t just consult banks. He has a wealth of information. He dialogues with society. However, at the time of decision, there is a panel of nine people who meet, close the doors and make an autonomous decision. This will not change with Gabriel, and I have absolute confidence that he knows what the Central Bank’s mission is.”
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In the interview, the Minister of Finance reiterated the president’s speech Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) that the government will not put any pressure on the monetary authority.
“I saw and heard the conversations that preceded the president’s invitation to Galípolo and the president made it absolutely clear that, regardless of the law, he was going to treat the Central Bank with the same deference, with the same respect with which he treated the [Henrique] Meirelles [presidente do BC nos dois primeiros mandatos de Lula]”, he concluded.
Before becoming president of the BC, Gabriel Galípolo was part of the Lula government’s economic team, as executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance – Haddad’s number 2 in the portfolio. Galípolo was appointed by Lula, first, to the BC’s Monetary Policy directorate and, later, to command of the monetary authority.