A choice clearly related to the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April won – very narrowly – the initiative by Porto Editora and Infopédia.
A Word of the Year 2024 is “Freedom”. The winner was announced this Tuesday by Porto Editora and Infopédia, organizers of the initiative.
It will be a choice clearly related to the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, which he won – but very narrowly.
“Freedom” achieved 22% of votes but “conflicts” got very close, with 21,3% of votes, and then “immigration” he had 21,2%.
It was really a vote “disputed until the last moment”according to Porto Editora.
Speaking to TSF radio, the organization revealed that, in the last minutes of 2024, it was still receiving votes – the voting closed at 11:59 pm on December 31st.
In other words, there were people who took advantage of New Year’s Eve to vote.
The other candidates for word of the year, but who were left off the podium, were: “Inclusion”, “INEM”, “fires”, “police”, “youth”, “ear” and “transport”.
Here are the winners from previous years: