A green anaconda approximately five meters long was run over on the MT-338 highway, in Porto dos Gaúchos, 644 km from Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, this Monday (6). Pregnant, the snake ejected around 40 babies from its belly due to the impact.
The incident was recorded on video by a friend of the fisherman and YouTuber Ederson Negri Antonioli. In the images it is possible to see the anaconda crushed due to being run over and its babies that also did not survive alongside.
“The person who made this video was a friend of mine, who came from Goiás to go fishing with me. When he was returning, he came across this unusual scene and decided to record it to send it to me,” Antonioli told CNN.
In the video, which went viral on social media, it is possible to see the size of the snake that caught the attention of those who witnessed the incident.
The green anaconda is one of the largest snakes in the world, reaching more than 8 meters in length and weighing up to 100 kg. They are native to tropical regions of South America.
Despite its size, the green anaconda is not poisonous and uses its muscular strength to capture and crush prey, such as fish, birds, medium-sized mammals and even alligators.
The snake is an ovoviviparous species, that is, the young develop in eggs inside the mother’s body, and are later “given birth” when they are already formed.
After a gestation period that lasts around 6 to 7 months, 20 to 40 cubs are born, which are independent from birth and begin to hunt alone.