Trains connecting Lisbon to Setúbal which previously only ran every hour or every 30 minutes, during rush hours now pass every 20 minutes.
Three weeks ago, Fertagus changed the timetables of trains connecting Lisbon to Setúbal. They pass more frequently, but each train has fewer carriages, that is, at the busiest times, there are passengers who are unable to enter.
For those who live on the outskirts of Lisbon, on the other side of the Tagus take the train to work at Pragal station It’s increasingly difficult. Some trains have had fewer carriages since December 15 to be able to increase the frequency.
Trains connecting Lisbon to Setúbal which previously only ran every hour or every 30 minutes, during rush hours now pass every 20 minutes. A change that leaves many passengers behind when going to work.
But the difficulty not only in getting on the train the crossing to the other bank of the Tagus It is also a challenge. NIn the space of a year, demand to and from Setúbal alone increased by 30%.
Still, Fertagus admits difficulties in adapting to this new dynamic but wait for more concrete data since between Christmas and New Year circulation is lower.
Fertagus guarantees to increase trains if next week’s counts justify it. He also says it is necessary to give passengers time to adapt to the new schedules.