“Pensão na Hora” is a service available from Social Security Direct that allows you to request an old-age pension and also know the amount you will receive, with a guaranteed response in less than 24 hours. This initiative came to reduce waiting times, as, previously, the response could take, on average, 50 days in the simplest cases. This service, available since February 26, 2021, aims to reduce the number of pensions that require manual analysis by Social Security, making the process faster and more efficient.
“Pensão na Hora” allows you to send an application for retirement based on age through the Social Security Direct online platform, eliminating long waiting times for a response, as proposed by . The retirement amount is automatically calculated by the system, based on the applicant’s contribution career, that is, the total number of years and deducted amounts.
If the beneficiary agrees with the amount presented, the request goes forward immediately and the pension is provisionally awarded within a maximum period of 24 hours. At the time of ordering, the system shows the years of discounts and the estimated gross value of the renovation. If accepted, the pension begins to be paid quickly, making it possible to correct the amount later, if necessary.
Who can request a Pension on the spot?
To access this service, some conditions must be met:
- Have reached the legal retirement age (66 years and four months in 2024) or the personal retirement age, which allows workers with long contributory careers to retire without penalties.
- Have the necessary years of deductions, made exclusively for Social Security (does not include other national or international contributory schemes).
- Be covered by the normal retirement regime and not by special careers.
- Reside in Portugal and, in the case of self-employed workers, have no Social Security debts.
How to place the order?
To request “Pensão na Hora”, you must be registered on the Social Security Direct platform and have your access password. After entering the platform, you must select the “Pensions” menu and then “Old-age Pension”. The years of discounts and the estimated gross value of the renovation will be presented.
If you agree with the price, you can proceed with the order by answering a few simple questions. The result will be sent via the Direct Pension message box, informing the retirement amount and the payment start date.
Social Security ensures that, when all conditions are met, “the process will be automatically approved within a maximum period of 24 hours”. The provisional pension will be paid from the indicated date and, if there is an error in the calculation, the amount may be readjusted later.
Tips for a simpler process
To speed up the process even further, Social Security recommends:
- Update your IBAN to receive payment by bank transfer.
- Ensure your contact details, such as phone number and email, are up to date.
If you do not meet all the conditions, the request will be sent for manual analysis, but you will be able to monitor the status of the process online on the same platform.
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