The actress Fernanda Torres59, shared his objective with the film “I’m Still Here”. The film, directed by Walter Salleshas received nominations in major awards such as Golden Globe e Critics Choice Awardsin addition to being a finalist for a spot in the Best International Film category at the Oscar 2025.
The revelation was made in an interview with American magazine Timewhich published an article about the Brazilian film this Tuesday (7). In one excerpt, they talked about Eunice PaivaTorres’ character in the feature film and mention that for the actress, the objective was to make “a film that she [Eunice] be proud.”
In an interview with CNNthe protagonist had already summarized it as “”. “She didn’t spend her time on anything that wasn’t objective, forceful, persuasive, with extreme delicacy – she fought the authoritarian state through immense combative delicacy.”
Marcelo Rubens Paiva, 65, also contributed to the American vehicle and spoke a little about his mother.
“I realized that my mother was losing her memory while Brazil was discussing its own memory (…) It was a very strange parallel and paradox to write.” Afterwards, he also mentioned: “My mother transgressed the stereotype of a widow into a heroine and built a new personality, a new persona as a lawyer”.