In a note released this Wednesday (8), trade union centrals argue that democracy should not be relativized through false interpretations and that participants should be punished.
The note is signed by CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores), Força Sindical, UGT (União Geral dos Trabalhadores), CTB (Central dos Trabalhadores do Brasil), NCST (New Central Sindical de Trabalhadores), CSB (Central dos Sindicatos Brasileiros) ), Interunion and Public.
In the document, the trade unions state that the defense of democracy involves strengthening political parties, the social movement, workers’ organizations and the country’s institutions.
“Despite all the challenges it presents, only in a democracy can we fight and achieve together the appreciation of work and social and human advancement”, they write. “No amnesty for coup plotters! They won’t pass!”
The unions also remember the democratic transition of January 1985 with the election of by the Electoral College, which marked the end of the .
“However, insistent reflections of a recent past, the nostalgia of the military dictatorship, alert us to the fact that democracy is a system in permanent construction, which must always be cultivated and improved.”
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