Even with the increase in the number of dengue cases throughout Acre — — demand for the vaccine against the disease, available in Basic Health Units (UBS) throughout the State, is still low.
The information was given this Wednesday (8) by the Secretary of Health, Pedro Pascoal, in a press conference. The manager also announced the , in Cruzeiro do Sul. Two other deaths are being investigated for the same cause.
Vaccine is available in health units/Photo: Reproduction
The dengue vaccination campaign in Acre is exclusive to all children and adolescents aged 10 to 14 years of age (14 years, 11 months and 29 days).
“Unfortunately, we still have low demand for the vaccine. Parents and guardians should be aware and take their children to the UBS closest to home. It is a way to protect our population from the virus. We are not causing anyone to panic, but we need to understand that not immunizing a child is putting them at risk in the face of this epidemic situation we are facing”, highlighted the secretary.
Secretary of Health, Pedro Pascoal/Photo: ContilNet
Pedro was asked about the chances of expanding immunization to other age groups:
“We don’t have that planned yet. The doses have a long validity period, precisely to reach the largest number of people possible. For now, what the Ministry of Health envisages is the immunization of this group aged 10 to 14”.
emergency decree
The emergency decree due to the increase in cases of arboviruses (Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika) was announced this Wednesday (8), at a press conference. The document must be published in the edition of the Official State Gazette (DOE) this Thursday (9).
Press conference was held at Sesacre headquarters/Photo: Reproduction
The announcement, given by secretary Pedro Pascoal, was attended by the municipal secretary of Health of Rio Branco, Renan Biths; the coordinator of the Sesacre Health Emergency Operations Center, Marcos Malveira; and the deputy secretary of Administration at Sesacre, Andrea Pelatti.