Miguel A. Lopes / LUSA
The Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho
The Social Security Minister reveals that the government is preparing a set of measures to encourage the extension of working life, including the introduction of part-time retirement.
The Government is reassessing the rules of the early retirement scheme to encourage longer stay on the market of work, announced the Minister of Social Security, Rosário Palma Ramalho, during a conference in Lisbon.
Early retirement, currently possible for those who are at least 60 years old and have 40 years of discounts, may suffer changes still under studyaligned with the recommendations of the Green Book on pension sustainability.
“The objective is to positively encourage people to stay in the job market longer,” Rosário Palma Ramalho told journalists, who did not give concrete details about the changes. The issue will be analyzed throughout the year, in conjunction with social partners, says the .
One measure under evaluation is the possibility of introducing part-time retirementallowing the accumulation of pensions with income from work. The objective would be to facilitate the transition between active life and retirement, an approach already debated in previous governments.
The minister also highlighted the need to review the Single Social Tax (TSU), as provided for in the legislation, although such review does not occur regularly, and to move forward with “measures to develop the complementary system towards individual capitalization”.
During the conference, economist Jorge Bravo warned about the deficit balance of the pension system, which already reaches 7.5 billion euroswhich could reach 15 billion by 2045.
The Social Security Financial Stabilization Fund, currently with 35.2 billion euros, was mentioned as an emergency reserve capable of covering two years of pensions. The Government reinforced that does not intend to use this fund in advance.
Another priority mentioned was combating fraud and disincentives to participate in the job market, especially in cases where social support exceeds the minimum wage.