With a fare set at R$3.75, Rio Branco is the capital with the cheapest public transport fare among all Brazilian capitals. The information was published by the Infomoney portal and shared on Rio Branco City Hall’s social media this Tuesday (7).
According to the portal, the capital with the most expensive fare is Florianópolis, where the ticket costs R$6.90, and payments can be made in cash or by QR code. However, anyone using the transport card will be able to pay different amounts, such as R$5.75. For regular users, the fare is R$6.75 for transport vouchers and tourist cards.
Bus at the Rio Branco Urban Terminal/Photo: ContilNet
In Porto Velho, users who pay in cash pay R$6 per ticket, while the cost is R$4.50 for those using the ComCard card.
Mayor Tião Bocalom, who is on his honeymoon, celebrated the result and attributed the reduced cost of the ticket to the subsidy granted to the company Ricco Transporte, responsible for the service in the capital.