This is how you can quickly remove tomato sauce stains. My grandmother told me the trick

by Andrea
This is how you can quickly remove tomato sauce stains. My grandmother told me the trick

The acids present in tomatoes and their red color make stains, especially on light clothes, very difficult to remove. However, sauce is an addition that has been used in cooking for centuries. No wonder then Grandmas have found an effective way to get rid of it, and all you need is sour milk.

Tomato sauce contains acids such as acetic and malic acid, which are responsible for the durability of stains because they penetrate deeply into the fabric fibers. Sour milk contains lactic acid, which breaks down the acid in the sauce. The fats contained in milk effectively break down lycopene, the pigment responsible for the red color of tomatoes. Additionally, unlike some stain removers, sour milk is very gentle on fabrics. Grandmothers used it without any worries to remove linen or cotton.

What’s important This ingredient is equally effective on fresh and old stains. However, for the latter, it may be necessary to use sour milk several times. If we have stained very delicate fabrics, e.g. silk, we should be very careful when using this method. Sour milk should not flow onto the fabric, but before using it, it is worth applying a small amount in an inconspicuous place and seeing how the material reacts. Sour milk will not work in the case of artificial materials that use low-quality dyebecause it can also bring out the color.

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How to get rid of stains step by step? For starters we need to prepare sour milk, if we don’t have it at hand, we can also use buttermilk or kefir, to which we should add lemon juice. A sponge or cotton cloth will also be useful. Once we have prepared the necessary things, we should:

  1. Soak the stain in milk for about 15 minutes. For older stains, this time can be extended to half an hour. If they are very dried and deeply penetrated into the structure of the fabric, it may take up to an hour.
  2. After soaking the stain, rub it gently with a cloth or sponge. This will help us get rid of any remaining dirt.
  3. Then rinse the remains with cold water. This will remove milk and remaining stains.
  4. The last step is to wash the clothes as usual.

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Did grandmothers have other ways to get rid of this type of stains? Of course! True sour milk was the most popular, but when it was not available, many grandmothers resorted to other products. In the past and today, this type of dirt can be removed using, among others: lemon juice, baking soda, spirit vinegar, salt paste and water, as well as hydrogen peroxide.

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