Spider veins on the legs are a common condition. This not only affects our appearance, but also has an impact on health. Therefore, it is worth knowing what contributes to the development of spider webs, as well as how to prevent them and what to do when they appear. In this case, a certain pharmacy ointment will be extremely helpful.
Vascular spider webs appearing on the legs are usually purple or light red in color. Their presence is not only an aesthetic problem, but also often indicates developing venous diseases.
Factors that contribute to the development or accelerate the appearance of spider veins on the lower limbs include: we include, among others:
- inappropriate diet,
- hormonal disorders,
- overweight and obesity,
- stimulants,
- sitting with legs crossed,
- wearing too tight or high-heeled shoes,
- leg surgery,
- staying in one position for a long time,
- overheating of legs,
- little physical activity,
- genetic factors,
- past injuries.
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Now that we know what causes spider veins to appear, it is also worth knowing what to do to reduce their visibility. The recommended and simple home remedy is: cold foot baths. Thanks to them, circulation improves, which helps strengthen blood vessels. It is also worth performing massages regularly, directed towards the heart.
In addition, an effective method is to use a certain ointment, which can be easily found in any pharmacy. We are talking about an ointment containing arnica extract. It costs about PLN 20 and brings visible results. Using it systematically in accordance with the recommendations allows you to effectively reduce spider veins on your legs.
This is because Arnica ointment strengthens blood vessels and improves blood and lymph circulation. At the same time, it accelerates healing and has an analgesic effect. Thanks to these properties, it is perfect for fighting spider mites.
Of course, it is better to prevent them than to reduce the visibility of spider veins. Therefore, it is worth taking several preventive steps to reduce the risk of further changes. A simple action that we can practice if we have a job that requires us to stand still for many hours is wearing special compression stockings.
However, people who work sitting should take regular breaks and get up from the desk from time to time, taking at least a few steps around the room or doing step-ups. Apart from that Let’s avoid frequent hot baths and generally overheating the legs. It is best to use showers during which we alternately run hot and cold water.
Additionally, we should also take care of a proper diet. It has a big impact on whether spider veins will appear on our legs. Therefore, you should limit sugar, saturated fats and red meat. However, it is recommended to increase the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. We can find them, among others: in linseed or fatty sea fish. Moreover, the basis of our menu should include:whole grain cereal products, fresh vegetables and fruit.