Catarina Miranda was on the ‘Manhã CM’ program this Thursday, January 9th, together with Gisela Serrano and Léo Caeiro, commenting on current affairs in the ‘Celebrity News’ section.
One of the themes under analysis was Cristina Ferreira’s new project – ‘eu sou Gira’ – and the fact that one of its objectives is to inspire women and make them empowered.
At a certain point, and aiming to criticize the presenter, Léo Caeiro showed his perplexity: “I don’t understand how Cristina Ferreira has a female empowerment project but all the women who try to stand out more than her, she eliminates them along the way. So I can’t understand.”these.
When asked by the presenters to say “names”, the commentator said: “There were several women who faced her and she kicked for a corner. Fanny, Catarina Miranda when she went on the program at the time she left, Cristina Ferreira demoted…”realized.
Following this, and questioned by Ágata Rodrigues about whether she felt degraded, Catarina Miranda ‘opened her heart’: “I felt sad about some things she said to me, because I saw Cristina as an idol and, she said ‘one day when you’re in my chair, do the work like I’ve been doing’, and she told me all that, I was …”.
Catarina Miranda then shared which presenter’s words hurt her the most and also revealed “the only thing” she doesn’t like about Cristina Ferreira.
“He told me to go back to where I came from, to the cruises. I think that was very bad, I think Cristina… The only thing I don’t like about Cristina, and this is visible, is that she never holds hands… I’ve never seen Cristina hold hands with a woman and Put her on television like you did with Ruben Rua, with Idevor (…) Bruno Cabrerizo, you’ve never seen a woman who held her hand. It won’t last forever.”realized.
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