Bread is a product that, due to its composition and structure, has a short shelf life. The aging processes begin almost immediately after baking the bread, which is why it loses its flavor and texture after just a few days.
Bread consists of water, starch, proteins and fats. During baking, the water contained in the dough evaporates and the starch gelatinizes, creating a flexible and soft internal structure. After baking, the reverse process begins – starch retrogradation. In this process, the starch returns to its crystalline form, therefore, the bread loses its elasticity and becomes hard. Improper storage of bread may cause it to lose its freshness faster. It’s worth adding that extremely dry environments accelerate the staling processbecause the bread releases water into the surroundings, which in turn causes its structure to become more stiff and brittle.
Mold grows in a warm and humid environment. Bread that is stored in too humid conditions without air circulation becomes an ideal place for its development. If we keep it in plastic bags, especially in warm rooms, it quickly absorbs moisture from the surroundings.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to extend the freshness of bread is placing two sugar cubes in the haversack. How does this mechanism work and why is it worth using? Sugar is hygroscopic, which means it has the ability to absorb moisture from the environment. When there is excess moisture in the air around the bread, the sugar begins to absorb it.
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Sugar, by absorbing moisture, reduces the risk of mold formation and helps keep bread in better condition for a longer time. To use this method, simply place two sugar cubes in a haversack next to the bread. They should not touch the bread directly, because they may dissolve upon contact with the moisture contained in the bread. They can be placed in a small bowl or on a piece of paper to ensure their stability and hygiene. Check your sugar cubes regularly and replace them with new ones when you notice them becoming damp or starting to crumble. This is a sign that they have already absorbed a lot of moisture and may lose their effectiveness.
Linen bags are an excellent option for storing bread. It is a natural material that allows free air flow. It prevents the accumulation of moisture and at the same time slows down the drying process of bread. Unlike plastic packaging linen prevents the formation of mold and helps keep the bread soft for longer. For an even better effect, you can add apple peel to the bag, which naturally regulates humidity.
Storing bread in plastic bags is the fastest way to spoil it. Plastic does not allow air to pass through and retains moisture, thus promoting the growth of mold. If you don’t have a linen bag, it’s worth using tissue paper or a cotton cloth. The paper allows air to circulate while protecting the bread from drying out.
Bread should not be stored in the refrigerator because low temperatures accelerate the staling process. This is due to the retrogradation of starch, which occurs faster in cold conditions, leading to the loss of softness and flavor of the bread. The exception is situations in which the temperature in the kitchen exceeds 25°C – then mold may develop faster. Therefore, we should put the bread in the refrigerator, but first wrap it in paper or place it in a linen bag to limit the direct impact of cold air and prevent excessive drying.
If you don’t plan to eat all the bread within a few days, freezing it is the best option. The freezer stops spoilage, and after defrosting, the bread tastes almost identical to the day it was purchased. To maintain the quality of the bread, before Before freezing, wrap them carefully in foil or place them in special freezer bags., which prevent the formation of frost burns. Defrosting should be done gradually, preferably on a kitchen counter at room temperature. Avoid defrosting in the refrigerator as this may cause the bread to go stale more quickly.