With the aim of preserving lives and reducing the impacts caused by rain, the Municipal Civil Defense Coordination of Porto Velho started Operation Winter 2025. The action will be maintained until the month of June, covering the entire municipality, from Nova California and Extrema to Calama and Demarcação, in lower Madeira.
Rondônia Now
Operation Winter 2025 focuses on preventive actions, including monitoring meteorological conditions, measuring rainfall volumes and technical inspections in risk areas. Civil Defense works to preventively remove residents at imminent risk, seeking to optimize resources and anticipate measures that minimize impacts. The work involves the collaboration of state and municipal departments, emergency agencies such as the Military Police, Fire Department and Samu, as well as brigades and the community itself.
In Porto Velho, the operation intensifies prevention, preparation, response and recovery measures to mitigate the effects of the rains. The main expected occurrences include floods, flooding, landslides, falling trees, lightning and windstorms, in addition to damage to essential services such as electricity, water, sanitation and health care.
As part of the preventive work, Civil Defense has already mapped the areas most at risk of flooding in the city, such as Avenida Mamoré, close to the intersection with Rio Madeira, and Avenida Jorge Teixeira, close to Almirante Barroso. The recommendation of the Civil Defense coordinator, Marcos Berti Cavalcanti, is to avoid these areas during heavy rain.
“It is important that people do not underestimate the dangers of crossing flooded areas, as there is a risk of serious accidents, such as falls and drowning”, warns the coordinator. Drivers must pay extra attention and
check brakes, avoid crossing large sheets of water and look for alternative routes to avoid risk areas, such as lowlands and places prone to flooding. It is essential to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, turn on your headlights and park in a safe place in case of heavy rain.
Pedestrians, in turn, should avoid walking on flooded streets, near storm drains or in areas with currents, where objects dragged by the water can cause injuries. Homes in areas subject to flooding must be prepared in advance. It is important to keep food and cleaning products out of reach of water, inspect roofs, gutters and flashings, as well as turning off the main electricity switch and turning off the gas and water valves in case of evacuation. After a flood, it is recommended to clean the affected areas using a bleach solution to avoid contamination.
To avoid lightning accidents, it is necessary to avoid open areas, contact with metal structures and activities such as flying kites or fishing during storms. In windstorm situations, doors and windows must be checked and tiles properly fixed to avoid displacements that could cause accidents. If objects from the roof begin to fall, it is recommended to evacuate the residence and seek safe shelter.
Prolonged rain can cause landslides. Therefore, it is important to observe signs of cracks in the ground, trees with exposed roots or cracks in buildings. In case of suspicion, Civil Defense must be called. Furthermore, contact with flood water can cause diseases such as leptospirosis and hepatitis. Any symptoms must be reported to health authorities.
If necessary, residents should contact the Civil Defense by calling 199 and (69) 98473-2112 or other competent bodies such as the Military Police (190), Samu (192) and the Fire Department (193).